lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

After seeing this video having to do with memory, i think I view at things quite differntly. Since before this I did not know how crucial memory was to our every day living, sure i knew it was of some importance. But i could not see how it revolved around every single task, and action we take in life. After the video, there was not like some specific thing that I leraned, i think i just became more aware of concious of how memory is fragile. I think twice know before doing somethingh that could corrupt it or damage it. And also I became a bit mor afraid since my family has a genetical hisotry of al zaihmer. Which is a very sad disease that take out all of one's character before ending one's life. As of today when I see someone doing drugs, or drinking excessivly, I can not help it but to think of the damage that it will eventually cause in their memories, and expierences

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