jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

1. Becuase in many of the studies preform by researchers, the resullts indicate that a person becomes much less eficent on the activities the make, than if they did them them 1 by 1. Therefore, what we think is multitasking is no more than a myth.
2Studies showed that when the human brain is presented with multiple tasks, it puts them in order of importance. This in time makes the brain take longer to preform the tasks.
3. This realese of strees hormones, and adrenaline make the brain work worst than in normality. The adrenaline makes us loose focus, while the stress clogues our brain from preforming at it's best.
5. The author concludes that multi-tasking is actually a myth. ANd that in instead of increasing our efficency, t decreases it greatly since our focus is gone bad.

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