Well, Colin Turnbull was born in Novembre 23, 1924, and died July 18, 1994. He was a worldly famous British- American Anthropologist. He wrote "The Forest People" and also "The Mountain People". One of the books was about the mbuti pygmies of Zaire, and the other one was on the lk people of Uganda. He was a pioneer in the field of ethnomusicology. he studied his first grade of school in Westminster School, and attended Magdalen College, Oxford for his college degree on politics and philosophy. In World War II he joined Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, there he was granted a two year study opportunity to study in Banras Hindu University, for a degree on Indian Religeon, and Philosophy. After that, in 1951 he traveled to the Republic of Congo. He went with Newton Beal, who was a Ohio college teacher he meet in india
martes, 31 de agosto de 2010
martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

1.What are the internal factors that influence our perception?
2.What are the external facotrs that influnce our perception?
1. There are many internal factors that influnce our perception, most importantly is where you live, or habitat. Also, your motivation, or interest, which can be sometimes learning. Also our organization, or specialization. Also there is our economy, and social background, but more importantly our personality.
2.The external factors are Intensity, Size, Contrast, Repetition, Novelty and familiarity, and Situation
miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

What is real and what isn't? This question may sound redundant at first but if you come to think of it, the only thing that defines what is and is not, is our perception. Perception is what our brain is able to percieve, and how it is interpreted by it. So if this is so, you can see why my question needs to be extended into more thought. Just take this as an example, we may think that ancient cultures were silly by believeing that mythical creatures were real. But think of it this way, what today for us is known as a komodo dragon which is a lizard of great size, that has been studied by scince from top to bottom. So our perception is that this is not a mythical dragon, but rather just a large iguana, while in the early times their perception was feed by ignorance, and religous belief. So, to them this was a creature of mythical powers, and origin.
lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

Psychology, this is the study of the human mind, and it's irregular and almost unpredictable behavior. This subject has become one of the most precious resource in our culture, since it is set out to explian ourselfs. It can benefit us in a variety of things, for example marketing, healing and, analyzing. Many have been benefitted by the advances in this field of the human body, since psychologist sometimes dedicate to purge others of traumas, memories and, evils that the mind holds in st0re.
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